Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Miracle

I'll start this post off with a warning that its really boring. Kinda just a play by play of my going ons recently. I hate writing them but enjoy reading them a little ways down the road to give me a little perspective on how much things can change and how fast they do so. This blogs for me not you so suck it up. Heart, Jay

Phew. So here I am a week later. With the way the last few days went and how the next couple are going to go, its weird thinking that the week is almost over and tomorrow its the weekend. I feel like my weekend came in the middle of the week with the Rockies playoff games (which they won both or all three if you count the Padres game), flag football, Halo, my sleep schedual, and how little I studied and went to class. Don't worry, it was a slow week academically which allowed for my slacking off.

- The weekend doesn't feel so laid back though. As busy as it is I think I'm going to have to find some time in it for work. For my research alone I have roughly 20 hours of video to watch by next Thursday morning and when I finish all my observations there I need to rate the behaviors in the videos and then prepare feedback for the roughly 20 subjects I'm responsible for reporting. Somewhere in there I'm going to need to study for the multiple tests I have in the first half of the week and if I have time sleep. It chose a bad weekend too because I've got the Spill Canvas concert tomorrow with Mal and Britt and then Saturday is the homecoming football game with a Rockies playoff game at night; all three being once a year type of events that I'm not willing to miss just to get an overload of research work dumped on me done. I'm not too worried, just a touch overwhelmed. I'll just set my priorities well and I'll get the things done that need to get done.

- Mmm, if you ever want to melt my soul play me music with a little bit of a gospel touch or some tastful steel sliding guitar. Dariustx recently has been resonating on my mood. Good stuff. Bummer I'm the only who seems to like this kind of music. I eat it up like hot cakes.


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