Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Stress and Stressor

- Stress. I think it’s the source of almost everything we don't like in this world. Everything that causes us discomfort, that makes us sad, that makes us mad, and that we just plain see as no good is either caused by stress or can be defined as a type of stress.

- Type B or "laid back" personality styles are revered in our culture as cool and one of my least favorite words in the world 'chill'. Gag me with a spoon. Their freedom from stress inspires envy in everyone who can't seem to find an escape from the daily grind that sometimes can wear away at our souls. Like anything though, freedom from stress when taken to an extreme can be bad. Without stress we'd never get anything done and we'd never get anywhere in life. We'd never care about anything and people and things used to keep us honest and in check would be uselss. Stress is the pain of emotion. It keeps us from doing stupid things and motivates us to improve our situation so we don't tear ourselves apart in our detachment.

- I'm not just blowing smoke for no reason on the topic, I promise. Recently intense bouts of stress have been overwhelming me. Quick temporary rain clouds that hit me and ruin my mood. I develop a temporary OCD-esk anxiousness and it won't go away until I take care of whatever caused it.

- Sometimes the causes of these are really dumb; like the other day when in the middle of a nap I suddenly couldn't remember where I had put my house keys when I got home. The more I thought about it, the more stressed I got. It was dumb and I knew it. I didn't need my keys anytime soon since I had nowhere to be for a couple hours. But as dumb as it may have been, it ruined my nap. In order to stop stressing about it I pulled myself out of bed and searched for about ten mins until I found them on my tv right where I left them. I actually think I may be a bit obsessive-compulsive but not to the point of a disorder. There's no other way to explain how irrationally I can get worked up about little things.

- Not all my stressors have been this trivial. A few are things that would probably stress anybody out, but none deserved the attention I gave them. At least not with the intensity with which I dwelled on them. I guess few things actually would, but my enjoyment of life would defiantly improve if I could learn to calm down and think things through when I start letting them overwhelm me.

- It also wouldn't hurt if I put my keys in the same place every time I got home and stopped losing my phone all the time. I remember my fifth grade class mountain getaway trip where I lost me and roommate's hotel room key only to find it at the bottom of the deep end of the swimming pool. This after having a fight with a guy sharing the room with me who should get to hold the key and why. Needless to say he wouldn't let me hold on to it the rest of the trip. To this day I have no idea how it got down there. I think he set me up.

- Good tangent Jay. Good night.


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