Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, March 28, 2005


- This was the symphony of noise that introduced me to this wonderful day at about 7 o' clock in the morning. So much for sleeping in. My mom was sick of the carpet in our living room so they decided to rip it up and put in ugly shaggy brown grandpa carpet. I tried to just cover my head with my pillow and ignore it but that was no good. I finally gave up and came groggily downstairs to the carpet installing couple with thier Sturgis motorcycle tee-shirts, beerbellies (even the lady) and stories of thier 50 year old promiscious siblings. Yipee. The padres have been in kind of a sour mood these last couple of days so I'm trying to keep my head low and so far I think I've been doing a pretty good job. Jessie hasn't been as lucky though and she's caught a lot of thier flak. They are argueing intensly as I speak over some issue or another. I got yelled at for opening a chip bag too loudly while my mom was taking a nap. I hate how light sleepers they are. They literally aren't able to sleep if I sit in my room and whisper to myself, and if they can't sleep, all is not well with the world and I'll hear about it.

- I broke a string yesterday. It made me happy because in the two years I've had that guitar, I've had the same pair of strings which is a phenomonally long time to go on one set. I had pretty much played the coating off of the strings and the tone was suffering a little bit. I'd have felt guilty having to cut off a string when all 6 were still intact so I was ok with it breaking. It also gave me an excuse to head on down to Guitar Center which is a good way for me to relax and chill. Its something about the drive up there and being able to play on beautiful guitars I'll never be able to afford that lets me get my thoughts in order and unwind. I picked up a set of bronze coated Martin stings and I can't wait to put them on and hear my baby sound like the day I brought it home. It'll also add something to the asthetics but thats not real important, just a plus.

- God really caught my attention yesterday. I've been thinking more and more as I get closer to college to find out why I bieleve what I bieleve and why I'm a Southern Baptist as opposed to anyother sect of Christianity. I bieleve God has me in the right church and denomonation, but I just want to make sure that I'm not simpily the product of my raising and that the Southern Baptist's bielefs truely parrallel the absolute truth towards all aspects of religion. I stumbled across The Baptist Faith and Message which was a document published by the Southern Baptists establishing what we bieleve and why drawing tons of scripture to back our bielefs. I started on the first of 14 points about what we bieleve about the perfect gift of scripture and went through and examined every verse they provided for evidence. It spoke dirrectly to the questions I had and presented, through the Bible, comfort from God. It was a truely supernatural experience and sent chills through my spine. I recomend anyone that has questions about the Southern Baptists to check it out. Its very legalistic in its wording but is well backed and eye-opening.

- I've got some aeration to do and I'm going to them alone since Jordan is out of town which is ok with me because it means I'm making twice the pay. In a stroke of genious I set up the apointments for this evening before the sun goes down to make sure I can enjoy the rest of the day in the name of idle relaxation. Mission completed.

- Well, I've got a guitar to string, then work to do, and a night of fun filled companionship. Have a good one.


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