Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Gems of Happiness

- For a weekend with a rut in it I think I'm making the best of it. Said rut was a mandatory AP Lit practice test from 7:30 this morning to 11:00. If theres one thing I don't like doing its getting up before 9 on a Saturday, especially for writing 3 essays in 2 hours and a lengthy multiple choice section. I wouldn't even mind it so much if I thought that it was necessary, but I didn't go to it last year or any of the other mandatory review sessions for Lang last and I still got a 5 on the test. It urks me.

- One of the worst parts of having the 7:30 test was that it turned a Friday night into a school night. Nonetheless, I made the best of it. I crammed aerating, tenis, and seeing the movie Sahara before my self apointed curfew of 11 o' clock. Saraha was very good by the way. Despite the rather shallow plot, I was able to get enjoyment from the mindless action and dorky humour of the main characters.

- Despite all my complaining and angst at having to spend half my Saturday at school, it wasn't so bad. Shortly after I arrived, I learned that the test was a completion grade and my motivation for doing a quality job plummeted. I sat with Matt and Adam and we had a giddy old time making the experience as enjoyable as we could. Testing was set up in the library and my ADD distracted me from writing an essay on Conrad's Heart of Darkness to a book on the shelf entitled 14,000 Things to Be Happy About. I got it off the shelf and read through a couple of the entries which resembled things like, "Boneless duck seasoned with butter and topped with lemon" (actually, most of the entrys were about food such as this which lead me to question the enormous appetite of the ravenous writer). Others resembled things like "Norweigan tapestries", "Baseball games that go into extra innings, and "the natural golden color required to toast bread to perfection". We had a contest to see who could insert the most of these things in our essay. The norweigan tapestries one I fit seamlessly into an essay about a little girl's adventure climbing a tree and I was impressed at how Matt was able to get the toast one into an essay about Helen of Troy according to HD and Poe. After all was said and done, I had fit 6 of these little gems of happiness into my 3 essays, but Adam blew me away fitting 12 of them into his. I think his essays ended up less about the subject we were writing on and more about the little things in life that make people happy. I had convinced Todd's table and Katherine's table to start adding Happinesses to thier essays as well and soon the three English teachers proctoring began to become suspicious of all the talking and laughing that was going on on our side of the library. I may not have done well on the test, but I had fun making the best of a mundane experience.

- A conversation I had the other day gave me hope for things to come which in context of the dialog doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense. In addition to this I completed my adventure goal for the week. So it wasn't the most daring acomplishment, it was still an acomplishment for me. Something that I have suprisingly never done before.

Its been a good week. I hope everyone else's was too.


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