Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Peter Pizan!

- Man, as much as I love reading long emails, its really hard for me to respond to them. Sure, I have pleanty to say and often have trouble shutting up when honestly, I really need to, but to someone with my (insert euphimism for lazy here) disposure, it feels like I'm writing an essay. Plus, I hate talking about myself. I'm boring. End random tangent for today.

- Jenna got her first phone call today. It cracked me up. Here is the way it went:

(Phone rings from my little sister's friend Ashley)

My Dad: Jenna you have a phone call.

(Jenna Answers Phone)

Jenna: Hello?..... Hello?..... Who is this!

(Ashley talks)

Jenna: Oh, what do you want?

(Ashley talks)

Jenna: Bye. (Jenna slams phone down) Dad Dad Dad, I gotta go over to Ashley's! Shes home! She told me so!

Dad: Ok, be back by dinner.

(Jenna scampers out the door)

- She's such a little social butterfly, it makes me laugh. Shes gonna have all the boys hanging off when she gets older. Shes already got one right now, a second grader named Chase. They play Barbies. And by play, I mean run around slamming the barbies into the couch while making fight noises. Ahh to be young again. So far, I've done pretty well in my lifelong goal to never grow up, but I don't know how much longer that's gonna last. Eventually I'm going to be around people who won't tollerate it. Shucks.

- Well, I'm getting better about learning to not let things bother me. I worry about stuff thats probably not real justified and even though I get consistantly reasured, I still worry about it. Jay, what happens happens. "Why you spendin time lookin at da flowers!" I should take my own advice. If its meant to be, it'll happen.

- School's nosediving. 3 days into my last quarter and I'm already missing about 75% of my assignments. You better bieleve after midterms come in, nothin else is gonna get done at all. My parents are pretty lax about my grades and I'm keeping them at least reasonable, buts its getting harder to find the desire. I had to get all the teachers that decided 4th quarter would be the most ideal time to give out a buttload of hw. Dang it.

- I love sunshine. I love cloudy days more but sunshine is good. You can't beat lounging around after a short day of school in a sunny living room in my gym shorts and a trusty tee and watch TV before heading to the gym to get my daily excersize fix in the raquetball court. Life is good ya'll. You just love for the good things that make it beautiful.


Blogger Courtney said...

Jenna cracks me up! She is somethin' else...

10:04 PM  

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