Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, May 07, 2005

So Deep

- Oh man is the best way to describe the last couple days. Its been good though. I slept in till noon on Friday as I had an AP Euro test in the afternoon. Its a good thing I did to because had I taken after gym class as what woulda happened had I gone, I wouldn't have had the energy to get through it. It was a mentally draining test, specifically because of the essays. They were dense and ambiguous but I scraped out something from somewhere in my essay catalogue of makin stuff up. The test gave me a killer headache, but after all was said and done but I think I passed. I'm proud that Kristen got through it ok. She was stressing out all week but she came out confident and a changed girl. We celebrated the end of our legitimate academic career with Wendy's and then we went back to her house and just sat around, talked, and watched movies all night. Shes makin it real hard for me to be able to let go when she heads off to college. I'll survive though. I'm glad we get the time we have.

- Then came Saturday. It was gorgeous in the morning and Cliff, Jared, and I hung out at the park and celebrated our new mutual obsession, basketball. We're playin all the time now. Its getting rediculous. Oh well, you can't have too much of a good thing. 11:30 I hopped in the car and headed off to church for our Cinco De Mayo volenteer work. Things didn't fall into place really well and after a lil bit of lingering we got assigned to trash duty. Bill kept my moral up though and kept me from becoming sulky so props to him. I think it would have been fun to go to it under different circumstances. It was like a big block party. Very orderly and neat too which exceeded my expectations.

- Headed back to the church after that for Exit 7. The last one and it a good time. More basketball, this time a lil bit bigger game with Austin's possy. Chair soccer after that. I gotta say, Courtney is a beast when it comes to chair soccer. You couldn't get it by her. I think on one occasion I got body checked into the wall. I was impressed. It was a smaller group too being that we didn't play it until the end of the night which allowed for a lil more movement and freedom to dribble around.

- And that leads me here, in front of the computer and exhausted but too overstimulated to go to bed. Times running out here. I think I'm doing a good job of making the best of it. When its time for me to go I'll be ready. I'm not now but I will be.


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