Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, November 03, 2005


- I've spent the day reflecting on life and if nothing else good comes from this situation, I can say I've learned a lot about life, death, and myself. This is what I've learned.

- Life is beautiful. Enjoy the fall air, a friendly smile, even the times when things aren't going well. At least you got to see the sun rise this morning. Your heartache, happiness, stress whatever; its all a gift. Don't take it for granted. The very most selfish thing you could ever do is throw it away. You're life is connected to so many people in so many ways that destroying it is the equivialant to saying you couldn't care less about the pain, agony, illness, stress, and honestly, flat out hell, that you put them throw by doing so. How can you get so incredibly wrapped up in yourself that you miss the beauties in life that are so spectacular even in thier simplicity that a handful of them could justify the most difficult challenges life can throw at you. Instead, you take the quick fix out. The easy way that dynamites the pillars of support you offer to people without even realizing it.

- Nothing matters in this world. Your test. The broken chain on your bike. Your traffic ticket. Your loneliness. Your friends. Your family. Your roomate. The reputation you spend so much energy on. Your uncertainty. Your breakup with a girl you love more than you could ever show. Your insecurities. Your failure. Your success. In the end, its all going to fade away. A thousand years from now there will be no sign on earth that you ever existed. The only thing that matters is that you are lucky and have been given more than you could ever hope to deserve because you have a God that is gracious. All of what makes up your existance to the very worst day you've ever had is more than you deserve. You deserve eternal separation from God and the happiness he embodies. You deserve eternal torment. You deserve death. But God provides you with the breath you are breathing this very second and even better, God provides you with hope. A hope to escape what we have comming to us. Heaven is going to be glorious. Nothing in the human capacity can even begin to imagine a fraction of the bliss, freedom, happiness, and rebirth that awaits us in eternity with our creator; the only one who truely loves us in love's true form.

- Why then would you chose death? How could you do that. There are things that I'm never going to understand. I'm going to have a reminder of these truths everytime I look out my door at Corbett A416. Rest in peace Linsey.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Bad Day

- I had a bad day. Kristen and I broke up today. The reasons are complicated.

- More importantly though, everyone pray for my floor and the family and friends of Linsey, the girl that lived across the hall and a door down from me who, today, hung herself.

- This is about as bad as a day can get. But God'll provide for me. Theres beauty in everything, even a situation as terrible as this.